Iron Dreams

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Bike Fit

I took the Cervelo into Sammamish Valley Cycles, for a bike fit with Mike. After taking a few measurements and watching me on the bike, he suggested a different bar/aerobar setup than what I had (the Cinelli Angels).

The good news was after trying out a Syntace bar and Syntace C2 clip-on aerobars, I was much more comfortable. The Cinelli's are very low and agressive, requiring a very forward position that I just couldn't get comfortable with. The Syntace bar was just a bit narrower, which was more comfortable, but the real win were the clip-ons: they sat on top of the bar which lets me ride more upright. Plus, they were shorter and angled up and far more comfy to reach for.

Anyway, I left the Cervelo there - not all parts were in stock so the work will be done on Monday. After that, the process will be iterative. As Mike describes it, you'll get comfortable at a certain position, and then tweak it just slightly (remove some of the spacers on the head tube) and repeat. Still, having a comfortable cockpit will be critical to enjoying the ironman bike course.


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