Iron Dreams

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Event Timing

In an ideal world, I would be doing Ironman Canada versus Ironman Coeur d'Alene.

IMC is several weeks later than IMCdA. This gives that much more time to prepare, and more overlap with the summer and thus good weather for training. The timing is also better, because of other events in this area.

IMC is the last week of August. A month before that is RAMROD, a bike ride around Mt. Rainier. Three weeks before that is STP, a bike ride from Seattle to Portland. Three weeks before that is Pacific Crest, a half-ironman in Oregon which is a great training race for IMC as the bike course is roughly the same difficulty, etc. All of these are excellent training events for a goal race of IMC.

But, IMC isn't open and entry into it depends on winning a lottery slot. Or, paying a huge amount for a community fund entry. So, rather than pin my hopes on the lottery, or shelling out even more just to enter, I took the guarenteed entry into IMCdA.


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