Iron Dreams

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Brick 4/17

JHS is out to kill me, I know it. I'm pretty much going to be phoning it in at volleyball tonight.

It was drizzly this morning so we skipped out of the Cascade ride and did another brick session in my house. It was generally 50 minutes of riding, and then 15 or 20 minutes of a mix (run, then situps, pushups, leg lifts), and then repeat. It isn't so bad, but back to back with yesterday the workout is a bit grueling. The ride was a mix of high cadence, single-leg drills, lots of gear shifting, climbing (pedaling out of the saddle). We watched Shrek and Toy Story, both great movies I hadn't seen in quite a while.

Bike time was 3:00 hours, covering 43.9 miles. We did another 50 minutes of running, corework, and stretching because we were at it for 3:50 total.


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