Iron Dreams

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Bike 10/23

Slight shuffle in the schedule - tomorrow several of us are participating in the Dawg Dash, so we decided to bike today and run tomorrow. Since we also got a break from the rain, and the day was relatively nice (except just a little chilly), we decided to ride outdoors.

I met with T1 and T2, and we did a figure 8 from T1's: out-and-back along the BG trail to Golden Gardens, and then out-and-back the other way to Matthews Beach. We did about 26 miles in 2 hours.

The bike definitely feels more comfortable after my fitting. I haven't blogged about that yet but plan to do so soon. I worked on pedaling while keeping my right leg from swinging out, and rode in the aero position as much as possible. Which wasn't all that much, as this was busy trail riding and I wanted my hands near the brakes most of the time. Plus, extended time in aero means neck strain from looking up to see the road ahead.

During the ride, I got to thinking maybe the whole aero position is overrated for many courses. What percentage time would I spend in that position anyway? IMCdA is supposed to be a fairly technical course - there aren't many long or flat sections which is where the aero position really shines. Maybe I should consider doing the event on a regular road bike - I never ever thought about bike comfort when riding my good old Trek.


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