Iron Dreams

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Rest 11/10

Random notes:

  • My friend CB from work gave me a belated birthday present: Spinervals 8.0, Competition Series - "Recovery and Technique". Nice!
  • I stopped in at Sammamish Valley Cycles to buy a skewer for use in the bike trainer, and also resolved to try some egronomic saddles when I return. I talked to the clerk, who suggested carbon clip-on aerobars, as IMCdA is a lot of chip seal roads and vibration dampening is nice. I decided I am willing to replace the aerobars on my tri bike if it is more comfortable fit-wise. I still feel a bit stretched out in the aero position, and even Erik Moen said he'd prefer not moving the saddle as far forward as he did. Basically my Cinelli Angel aerobars have a fixed stem which may be slightly long for me. So, replacing it is cheaper than buying a new bike! First, I must fix saddle comfort.
  • I called up Pace Cycles, and asked about my training bike. It still isn't ready. I told him I'll be on vacation and will pick up the bike on Dec. 1st or Dec. 2nd whether or not he is done working on it. I'll just take it to Gregg's Bellevue for the work I want done if need be. I'm also done with going to Pace Cycles - he does great work, but can't schedule at all.
  • A friend EN signed up for the Valentine's Day half-marathon on Feb 13th. I'm considering doing it as a training event. I'm also considering doing the Vancouver half-marathon, on May 1st, as a training event. I'll update my training schedule after I get back.

I'm also leaving for New Zealand tomorrow and will return on November 30th. This will be my break between base and starting the training program on December 5th.


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