Iron Dreams

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Swim 5/29

I met with JHS and several others at Beaver Lake, for a late morning swim.

We swam the length of Beaver Lake and back, regrouping at the far end, on a rock. We climbed out, sat and chatted for a few minutes. We probably looked like a colony of seals, in our wetsuits!

The estimated one-way distance is 3/4 mile, so total round trip was 1.5 miles. Except I'm positive I swam more due to sighting issues. It was a cloudy morning and the rock was hard to sight on. Returning, the swim beach was hard to sight on. I wound up picking better landmarks and having to correct a few times. Total time was 56 minutes.

Another piece of good news was my neck. I body glided the heck out of my neck, took off my necklace, and velcroed my wetsuit lower. This swim, I didn't chafe my neck so I know he combination of all of these will work.


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