Iron Dreams

Monday, October 25, 2004

Week Without Soft Drinks

I completed my week long experiment of drinking no soda, and celebrated by having a Sprite at lunch. :) Overall, I'm not sure of the results. I'd have to keep a detailed food diary - something I am thinking of trying for a week or so.

I drank water for lunch and dinner during the week. However, over the weekend, instead of soft drinks I substituted, at various times, milkshakes, beer, and raspberry lemonade. Clearly, drinking milkshakes and beer instead of diet coke is not an improvement!

One clear benefit is saving a little money when I eat out. Most restaurants charge at least $1 for a soft drink, which isn't that big a deal... unless this fact is brought to your attention. I can afford a soft drink with a meal, but now it irritates me to think about what I am charged for basically convenience, so I'll probably keep carrying around my water bottle, and try to adjust to thinking of a soft drink as an occasional treat rather than a meal staple. Same goes for milkshakes and beer - after all, I'm hardly an elite athlete and can treat myself once in a while!


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