Iron Dreams

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Open Water Swim

The open water swim season is winding down rapidly, so when T2 IM'ed me last night and said T2 and JHS were planning to swim at Idlywood, I was very interested and showed up.

It was cold and I wore my sleeve inserts with my wetsuit, which really made a difference as far as warmth. I swam four lengths, which we estimate to be 1000 yards, plus the out-and-back from shore to the first buoy, and a lap to the second buoy while waiting for people to collect.

It was a good workout, and afterwards we chatted with another person who showed up, Jeanette.

I brought the subject of long bike rides up with JHS and JHS said that Sunday morning bike rides were in the works. This is excellent, and T2 and I can ride, and sometimes also join JHS and whoever else shows up. We will keep to our goals and pace, and if we are dropped, so be it.


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