Iron Dreams

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Swim 3/29

I met up with T2, JHS, and RW who I hadn't seen in quite a while, at the master's swim workout.

JHS and I were in the easiest lane, while T2 and RW were one lane over. I actually think I would have been fine in the 2nd easiest lane, but we were already divided into 5 people per lane.

The workout included some kick and kickboard drills, which I hate. I'm sure they build leg strength, but I agree with the Total Immersion philosophy on this - I'm not going go kick like a motorboat during the event, so why practice it? Maybe only if somebody grabs my feet. ;)

Triathlon swimming is different than swim team workouts, because we need to have some energy left over for biking and running afterwards. This is especially true in an ironman; the last thing I want after the swim is to come out with exhausted legs, knowing I have to pedal 112 and then run 26.2. I think the kickboard also gets you used to bad form in the water - head up, legs down, hanging onto to the kickboard for flotation. Pull buoys I can see being useful.

Anyway, I think we did something like 2200 yards total, in 1 hour.

I did like the social aspect of masters - pool workouts for me are typically fairly isolated.


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