Iron Dreams

Monday, April 04, 2005

Bike 4/4

There was a bit of a sunbreak late afternoon, so I hopped on my bike and rode 22.3 miles in 1:23. Now that we're on daylight time, I'll be able to squeeze longer rides in after leaving work.

I rode from my house, around 60 acres park, and the north on the SRT. I briefly thought of climbing Hollywood Hill, but I could see lots of cars backed up on 145th, and decided against it - too much traffic for me, because it was rush hour. In the future, if I get out earlier, then I would consider it. Anyway, I continued along to stoplight in Bothell (73rd Ave?) and turned around. Clouds rolled in on the way back and I was sprinkled on just a little, but it didn't rain any heavier.

I've also decided the Endurox recovery drink tastes way too much like Pepto Bismol - it is pink and sweet, but not as thick. The Powerbar Recovery drink is far more palatable. When I finish off the canister I have (that I found when cleaning out my pantry), I'm going back to the Powerbar drink.


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