Iron Dreams

Monday, March 14, 2005

Week 10

Mar 7 - Mar 13
Swim 0:37
Bike 6:57
Run 1:10
Strength 0:00
Weight 141.0 lb
Body Fat 16.3 %

A total of 96.4 miles on the bike, counting the trainer. Next weekend I'll need to push again and do another long ride. I also need to get my swim frequency up to twice a week, and shoot for more running as well.

In other news, I made plans to travel to IMAZ to spectate, cheer, and maybe even volunteer. JHS is coming, and so is BF. T1 and I talked about that during our ride - I'm interested in volunteering, as long as I am free enough to cheer on T2. Some position that finishes up early would be good, or a shift on the bike/run course that also finishes as early as possible. I'll see, I get into Phoenix early enough to catch a bit of the expo - I'll attend and see if there is a last minute need.


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