Iron Dreams

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Bike 4/5

Squeezing it in whenever I can: 45 mins on the trainer, at 100 Watts, cadence between 80 and 85. In the 39x15 this worked out to be roughly 16 mph.

The tire is still going flat, but then I haven't done anything about it. Maybe tonight I'll try to fix it... or maybe I can just put that off and do the "inflate and ride" again and fix it another day. What the heck, this tube is basically shot anyway; patching it will just be an experiment to see if that helps.

Later on, I did 35 more minutes at the same parameters. Basically, the tire won't hold air for very long anymore. I'll need to replace it, and examine the inner tube to try to figure out why I'm getting flats.


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