Iron Dreams

Monday, April 25, 2005

Rest 4/24

I intended to run 8 miles this morning, but I just could not fall asleep last night - I was wide awake past 2:30 am. As I thought of errands I needed to run during the week, I wondered if the caffeine in the Gu I had was partly responsible for my insomnia. Hm... Anyway, I got up around 10 and by then it was too late to head out to the trail and get the run in - I was meeting a friend at 12:30 to watch the Mariner's game!

Later at volleyball, I unfortunately was the victim of a hard spike that left me no time to react. Now, I have a black eye:

Volleyball injury

I sat out two games and iced it, and will continue to do so. I only mention this because I might wind up putting off swimming until the swelling goes down, because I imagine wearing goggles will hurt big time. I do have a seal mask somewhere, and if I can find it, I'll use that.


  • It isn't that bad now... it certainly looks worse though - the blood is settling so I've got a nice dark maroon blot under my eye. It's just funny, I can't remember the last time I got a black eye.

    By Blogger klbarrus, at 4:32 AM  

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