Iron Dreams

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Run 6/18

Just a nice easy neighborhood loop: ~3.5 miles in 39 minutes. I turned around at 25 minutes, which was a different spot than I've measured. However, TOPO says it was about 3.5 miles total.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Swim 6/17

Met up with JHS at Idylwood with the intention of swimming 4000 or 4500 yards. However, we got chased away after 750 by a patrol boat. Oh well, perhaps Martha Lake is a better venue, even if it is a bit farther.

We diddled around closer to shore but decided to call it a night and try again Sunday morning. Total time: 30 minutes.

Here's something funny: I was catching up on TNO and saw this post from a Seattle area member. I'm pretty sure JHS and I were the "2 other triathletes" he mentions!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Swim 6/16

At last, I was able to swim. I did 1000 yards in about 18 minutes: 3x200 and 1x400. The pool water was very warm - it must have been high 70s or more. Maybe I'll need to bring along some ice cubes with me to swim after I move!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Rest 6/15

I tried to swim, but there was a thunderstorm in the area, and the YMCA's outdoor pool was closed. The staff apologized, but it is OK - I hardly want to risk electrocution, although I suspect the threat is vanishingly small. After I move, I'll look around for an indoor pool. I'm sure there is one around somewhere.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Rest 6/14

I went by the Lake Mary YMCA and got a guess pass and other assorted pamplets. I didn't get a chance to jump in the pool for some laps, but I plan to tomorrow.

Rest 6/13

I needed the rest, to catch up on sleep I missed flying east. :)

Monday, June 13, 2005

Week 23

June 6 - June 12
Swim 1:26
Bike 1:55
Run 1:05
Strength 0:00
Weight ? lb
Body Fat ? %

No weight or fat since I'm out of town. As you can see, I'm tapering quite nicely. ;)

Rest 6/12

I'm heading to FL for a few days. I packed my swim gear (shorts, goggles, earplugs) which hardly takes any room at all. I decided not to pack running stuff and just rest or swim while I'm away.