Iron Dreams

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Rest 4/1

I am fighting off a minor cold, so I thought it would be best to take it easy this evening and rest. I've had minor insomnia attacks over the last two days, so that plus a stuffy/runny nose makes me paranoid. Perhaps it is nothing... in which case the rest will be good anyway.

Friday, April 01, 2005


Now that T2 is letting the info slip out, I've been thinking of how I'm going to "publically" announce my ironman intentions. I'll probably just write up a little story of how this all started (well, from when I called out T2 last September, hehe) on the regular blog, and link to this one. I'm almost curious how some people will react, but then I don't have that many readers and it isn't that huge a deal anyway. A good time to post will be next Friday!

If I said something today, maybe people would think it is an April Fools joke. ;)

Bike 3/31

I changed my bike tire, which went pretty quickly. Maybe I'm getting better at doing this. Afterwards, I examined the inner tube, expecting to find a blow out along a seam - as though I inflated the tire too high or cranked it onto the trainer to hard. But no, the leak was a pinpoint puncture, which I wasn't expecting.

Anyway, I had to recalibrate the CompuTrainer, so I followed the manual and rode for 5 minutes at 150 Watts. I was in the 39x15 and had a tough time keeping a cadence of 70. After calibration, I lowered the resistance to 70 Watts and spun along in the low 80's for 40 minutes while watching Medium. Speed hovered above 16 mph and eventually a little higher as I increased my cadence. After this I did another 40 minutes, bumping up to 80 Watts, while watching Alias.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Rest 3/30

I feel a bit tired tonight, but I decided I should do 45 to 60 minutes on the trainer, while watching last night's Amazing Race. As I was setting up I found my bike's rear tire was flat.

I could change it in about 20 minutes, but I think I'll just take today as a rest day, fix it tomorrow, and then ride.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Swim 3/29

I met up with T2, JHS, and RW who I hadn't seen in quite a while, at the master's swim workout.

JHS and I were in the easiest lane, while T2 and RW were one lane over. I actually think I would have been fine in the 2nd easiest lane, but we were already divided into 5 people per lane.

The workout included some kick and kickboard drills, which I hate. I'm sure they build leg strength, but I agree with the Total Immersion philosophy on this - I'm not going go kick like a motorboat during the event, so why practice it? Maybe only if somebody grabs my feet. ;)

Triathlon swimming is different than swim team workouts, because we need to have some energy left over for biking and running afterwards. This is especially true in an ironman; the last thing I want after the swim is to come out with exhausted legs, knowing I have to pedal 112 and then run 26.2. I think the kickboard also gets you used to bad form in the water - head up, legs down, hanging onto to the kickboard for flotation. Pull buoys I can see being useful.

Anyway, I think we did something like 2200 yards total, in 1 hour.

I did like the social aspect of masters - pool workouts for me are typically fairly isolated.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Swim 3/28

I took advantage of my temporary membership to the Pro Sports Club and visited the pool in the late afternoon.

I did a 2x250 warmup/drill with fist gloves - each set took about 5:30. Then I swam 2x500 without fist gloves - each set took about 9:45.

The Pro Sports Club is really nice, but I have to say, the pool water is very cloudy compared to the pool at Juanita High School, where I normally swim. I'm sure the Pro Sports Club pool gets a lot more work. Plus, the pool at JHS is a lot deeper.

Week 12

Mar 21 - Mar 27
Swim 2:00 (5850 yards)
Bike 5:34 (92.9 miles)
Run 2:00 (12.2 miles)
Strength 0:00
Weight 142.0 lb
Body Fat 16.3 %

Pretty good week. I'm going to take it easy since my left foot is a bit sore again. I think I will stick to trail running at the Redmond Watershed, or Power Trail, for a while.

Cumulative Training
Swim 12:42
Bike 67:15
Run 21:40

Bike 3/27

I missed the group workout because I went to Olympia, so later in the evening I got on the trainer and did 1 hour at high cadence, with 100 Watts for 30 minutes, and then 80 Watts for 30 minutes, while watching Battlestar Galactica, the pilot mini-series. Average mph was 17.5 to 18.0.